Another Special Report From Brent Smith

The Death of Pickup

Why game doesn't work anymore…

...And what does!!

Quick story...

So my brother has this friend, Rocket.

Rocket is a pickup artist. And a good one at that.
I’ve seen him in action.

Girls are usually into him, but lately,
he’s been having some “issues.”
Especially with the girls he’s super
attracted to.

He just can’t seem to figure it out.

For instance, it was Saturday night, and we were all partying pretty hard at Sharkeez in Newport
Beach, (where I accidently discovered every girl
wants to be on Real Housewives of Orange

After a day in the California sun, there
were hot girls inside the bar and roaming
outside on the long pier.

Imagine “Girls Gone Wild” sipping from
ice cold beer bottles everywhere.

I looked over at Rocket and I could tell...

Game was strong in this one.

I was impressed.

Yet, while there were smiles everywhere and he looked like he was making inroads with a couple hot ones, I could tell... things weren’t everything they seemed. Especially as we got closer and closer to closing time.

It wasn’t hard to see... if he didn’t change things up quick, he was going home empty handed.

He was coming off supremely confident... always trying to dominate the girl’s attention and

So how did girls react?

Surprisingly, they couldn't WAIT for him to leave. Then after he was gone, they’d just look at each other with ‘that look’ and breakout giggling like schoolgirls.

Has that ever happened to you?

Now the one girl *I* hooked up with? Her name was Lyssa... and she made a VERY revealing comment about Rocket.

Here's what happened...

He walks up, puts his arm around Lyssa, whispers something in her ear and then just walks off, expecting to ignite a spark of attraction with in her.

Result? Not a chance.

Rather than being attracted, Lyssa was shocked. Frightened, actually.

She and her friends made a quick
dash towards the bar.

It was a cringe-worthy moment to
say the least.

So later on, I say to Lyssa "Hey, I hope my
brother’s friend isn't creeping you

And Lyssa (who is an atomic blonde
knockout) starts to unload...

Yeah, it’s hard to believe
guys still think that kind of stuff
still works. Guys can be so juvenile.
So predictable.

But you? I don’t know
what it is. I like you.
You are fun, but you’re different...

(Hmmmm. Now... we'll get to WHY she’s so into me in just a minute. Let’s just say I *know* the

But Rocket, my brother's friend? “Juvenile?”

She may as well have said he was castrated!

See, Rocket had lost the game... even before he started.
In a moment, you’ll understand why and what you can do about it. Before it happens to you

Here’s the thing:

As guys, we may think what Rocket did was bold. But to girls? It's like a big yellow sign

Unlike the last 10 years or so, girls today are on guard against players, pick-up artists and anyone looking a little “too smooth.”

That’s what Lyssa as well as dozens of girls have told me straight up.

(And what’s crazy is it’s usually the little things that tip them off. Like, how groomed your beard
is. That stated, a stylish pair of shoes is still a must.)

Maybe you’ve spent months and even years learning pickup, mastering the art of game.

Like a magician, you know all the tricks that get women dripping wet. That get them horny as

That get them to come home with you for a night of uninhibited sex.

Not only that, you’ve worked
on yourself a lot...

At this point in your evolution as a man, while maybe you’re not an alpha yet, there’s no doubt you’re starting to ooze confidence, charm and charisma.

Not to mention all the money, time and work you’ve spent on books, courses, seminars and coaches over the years.

And for all your effort and commitment, you’ve more than occasionally been rewarded with a beautiful girl bringing a smile to your face.


Guess what?

It totally sucks!

Recently, it may feel like the rug
has been pulled out
from under you.

Trust me, you’re not alone. There are legions of guys in the same boat.

The tactics that have worked so well for you in the past? They’re hitting a wall. Those nights of spontaneous sexual adventure? They’re becoming fewer and fewer.

Like I said, IT SUCKS.

There’s a drought over the land. You’re getting blown out
right and left.

Screw that, right?

The supposedly “tried and true” gaming strategy and tactics taught by well-meaning dating
coaches and gurus are having less and less effect.
And in fact, they may even be REPELLING women.
I’ll share with you why in a moment, yet...

It gets worse...

It’s almost as if women see you coming from a mile away.

They get “that look” in their eyes.

Bitch shields go up. Shit tests galore. No one’s laughing at your jokes.

Their eyes start darting around, looking for a bathroom or window escape.

What gives?

If you’ve noticed you’re sorely game lacking in recent weeks and
months, there’s a reason...

There’s been a seismic shift in what works.
The good news is it’s not your fault. It’s nothing you personally are doing wrong.

Hi, my name is Brent Smith

And I help affluent men from all walks of life develop

meaningful relationships with beautiful women

And I help affluent men from all walks of life develop meaningful relationships with beautiful women. When I say affluent, I’m not talking about a 7-figure income.

Add a zero to that.

Given my experience,
coaching guys all over the world, here’s what I’ve noticed...


occurring in the pickup world
that you must know...

Let me address the elephant in the room since the pickup artists won’t touch it with a ten foot

Pickup as we know it, as we’ve learned it, is dying a slow, painfully agonizing death.

How do I know this?

I recently conducted a very private, very exclusive,
3-day/2-Night $4000 seminar in Hollywood.

I was shocked and appalled by the consistency of the theme...

Pickup is in a crocodile death roll

One guy, I’ll never forget, came on stage almost in tears.

This guy talked about one night where on three different occasions, with three different women, told him outright they knew what he was doing and they resented it.

One time, things escalated to the point he was slapped for continuing to pursue.

Now you can say he has no calibration skills, but the truth is he’s not the only one.

AND--there were other issues as well. Other guys were using the same techniques... women
were much more reluctant to engage… I started a whiteboarding all the reasons.

Yes, pickup may have worked like gangbusters before.

However, as I’m sure you can verify for yourself, women... especially the more beautiful ones...
seem to be even more cautious, more skeptical, more discriminating... more selective.

There are several reasons for this:

Reason #1:

Once private information is now in the public domain

Perhaps the biggest reason pickup is dying is the cat is forever out of the bag. Pickup tactics are out there are “in the wild” for anybody to watch and learn.

Women watch these YouTube videos on the Internet and are shocked. They find them creepy, deceptive and manipulative. And when they see them in action by you? It shocks them even more.

You get shut down--even before you have a chance.

Not only that, but you have competition.

Every guy and his brother is using these same methods. And to the woman on the receiving end? That’s just like hearing the same pickup line over and over again.

You’re marked as the dreaded “pickup artist” or “player”, right from the start.

Reason #2:

Women feel less secure

You can blame it on whatever you want... the political climate, social (feminism), religious climate... but…

  • Violence is up...
  • Non-consensual sex is rampant...
  • Violence against women is epidemic...

Women everywhere are rightly concerned for their safety. They seek someone who makes them feel safe.

When we initially approach, they obviously don’t know us. Given the current climate of violence, they ALWAYS have questions in the back of their mind.

Reason #3:

Once private information is now in the public domain

This should scare the bejeebies out of men as well as women, but to say women are concerned about contracting Herpes, HIV, crabs or some other dangerous STD would be an understatement.

It shouldn’t come as a surprise, but women are now asking for a blood tests before they’ll have sex with anyone.

(I just read recently there is a GLOBAL strain of gonorrhoea that is impervious to the strongest antibiotics medicine can produce.)

Obviously, this pretty much shuts down DTFs and one-nighters.

Now, stay with me here.

The answer may surprise you.

Instead of lots of sexual variety, they’d rather have...

I know this all sounds like bad news... however as you’ll soon discover, all this adds up to VERY GOOD NEWS for you when know what what to do.

The real question we, as men, must ask ourselves is…

What (besides mindblowing sex) is the ONE thing women are looking for today?

The answer may surprise you.

Instead of lots of sexual variety, they’d rather have...


Yeah, they want a man in their life.

Someone to love. Someone they know. Someone they trust and can rely on.

Yes, they still want adventure... yes, they still want romance...

And they want it WITH ONE MAN.

And this my friend, should be extremely welcome news for you.

YOU, not them, are the one holding all the cards.

Because let’s face it: When you really do some soul searching, while spreading your seed is definitely wired into your DNA, I know what you’d rather prefer…

you want a HOT Girlfriend

Every guy would. Yes, every. Even guys who have it all, like George Clooney and Leonardo DiCaprio as well as the movers and shakers I coach.

A hot girlfriend does things for you that no one night stand, fvck buddy, or short-term chick can do.

So the solution seems simple:

She wants a boyfriend. And you want a hot girlfriend. PERFECT match.

So instead of trying to game a girl into her pants, all you have to do is be boyfriend material.

THAT’S what she wants.

Unfortunately, for most guys, this is easier said than done--ESPECIALLY if you’ve been practicing pickup for any length of time.

Today, guys have pretty much forgotten how to go about getting get a girlfriend.

Especially a hot one.

What do guys try to do instead? They try to use their PUA skills to attract a girlfriend.

If you’ve ever tried this, you already know how it turns out.

It backfires--big time. The girl feels tricked and cheated.

Guys mistakenly resort to the behaviors of a COPP

(Creepy OverPursuing Provider)

Trust me, a “Creepy Over-Pursuing Provider” is the worst thing you can be. Even worse than being considered “a player.”

Unlike players, COPPs have ZERO attractiveness.

Their biggest offense? They make grand romantic gestures in order to get a girlfriend...

COPPs pretend
to be “nice guys”
COPPs agree
with everything
a girl says
COPPs cancel
their plans
COPPs give gifts
and throw
money around
COPPs give
COPPs put women
on a pedestal

COPPs come from a place of scarcity, neediness, and desperation.

Women may talk to a COPP... enjoy the attention from a COPP (for a while)... but ultimately, a woman will quickly tire of a COPP--leaving the guy worse off than before.

A girl doesn’t want to be with some needy guy. They want a boyfriend that makes them feel protected and safe.

A guy who is emotionally strong, decisive and in control.

A COPP is not that!

Now, let’s be clear. There is ABSOLUTELY a time and a place for grand romantic gestures -- but not in the beginning and not if they’re unwanted.

(Big gestures like that make a girl feel like she’s being bribed into doing something she doesn’t want to do.)

So if pickup isn’t working...
if being a COPP is bad...
what’s the solution?

Recognizing the situation for what it is, I took a couple of months off and spilled my guts into a course about everything I know about landing a hot girlfriend.

It’s titled...

The Contrarian’s Guide to Getting, Having and Keeping a Girlfriend

In my entire life, I have had 23 girlfriends. Yes, I remember every one... by name.

I loved them all.

Maybe that’s a little, maybe that’s a lot. I don’t know. What I do know is they’ve taught me so much about what it takes to get and have a great girlfriend.

Now we all know, first hand experience is great. But not only that, I’ve collected affirming insights from literally THOUSANDS of guys who have gone through “the girlfriend gauntlet” and lived to tell about it.

It’s easier than it looks. Especially when you know exactly what they’re looking for today and how to handle them. (And I do, in spades.)

And what are beautiful women looking for?

Someone she knows, trust and feels safe with.

How do you create that kind of chemistry so quickly?

Listen up.

Now if you’re expecting some sort of dating handbook, you’d be sorely disappointed. That’s not the kind of coach I am.

My “PERFECT Girlfriend” girlfriend-getting course is NOTHING of the sort.

In it, you’ll discover:

  • The three things women want and love in a boyfriend...
  • How to size up a potential girlfriend...
  • How to make every date or hookup feel like the first time you just met...
  • Your new vocabulary--and how it ratchets up desire for you...
  • The subtle art of “under-communication” that makes a woman chase you...
  • Before you consider a serious girlfriend candidate, she will, of course, have to prove herself in the bedroom. Here’s how you do it, step-by-step...
  • How to become the boyfriend you want to be, not the boyfriend SHE wants you to be...
  • How to create conversation that’s subtle yet so sexy...
  • How to deal with the jealousy of other women...
  • The strategy to allow them to contact you in the future (you never ever call them)...
  • How to ratchet up intimacy in and out of the bedroom...
  • Best ways to respond to her personal questions about you…
  • The step-by-step, always be the one in control and allow them to be the one pursuing you and trying to win you over...
  • How to get the hottest women to “apply” to be your girlfriend…
  • How to create that "I feel like I've known you for years" effect that makes with any woman you want to meet feel safe with you...
  • A simple twist on how to frame all your approach conversations so you are viewed as boyfriend material...
  • The best social platform for communicating...
  • How to avoid being relegated to the friendzone…
  • Strategies for interviewing girls on dating sites, apps & social media
  • The key to avoiding pointless arguments, an empty bed, and having to work at making a girlfriend happy...
  • Understand your girlfriend’s innermost desires (without a Dr. Phil decoder ring.)
  • How to position yourself as the one she’s looking for…
  • How to text her to amplify her horniness for you...
  • How to get her to miss you when you’re not around…

Using my contrarian rulebook, here’s how to *know* if a woman has earned the right to be

Your Girlfriend

  1. She’s hot and EXACTLY your type (you do not need to settle for a girl who’s not a fit for you)...
  2. She pursues you (no silent treatment, being coy or diva attitude)...
  3. She is of course, hot and great in bed...
  4. She is sane, superchill, supportive, and any other positive traits you want in a girl (no drama, no “psycho babe from hell” behaviors)...
  5. She must be trying to be your girlfriend from the very beginning--and ENTHUSIASTICALLY go along with your specific process (I’ll give you the blueprint)...

Is this doable?

Absolutely. Check these out:

Brent, I’ve played the pickup game. This is better. Way better. Faster. Easier. Better.
Brent, pickup is dead. Who cares. I’ve got something better. YOU. And an amazing GF.
There’s something special about having a girlfriend. It’s like she’s there for you, emotionally, physically and yep, sexually any time you want.
I have gotten two girlfriends using your course. I dropped almost all my gaming habits because I’ve figured out you’re right. Girls want boyfriends more than want casual sex.
I love my girlfriends! And they love me! Thanks, Brent!

the Ultimate
“Boyfriend Vibe”

In order to have the right women begging FOR YOUR BOYFRIEND affections and to be your girlfriend, I’ll show you how to give off “a special vibe.”

With this vibe, women deeply desire, almost crave to be your girlfriend, not just some random girl you picked up one night.

You create what I call the “Boyfriend Vibe.” Being around your new vibe makes women feel like…

  • It's OK to approach you...
  • It’s OK to be approached by you...
  • It’s OK to be interested in you...
  • It’s OK to be very direct with you...
  • It’s OK to ask for your contact info...
  • It's OK to pursue you...
  • It’s OK to compete with other women for you...
  • It’s OK to have wild yet deeply satisfying sex with you...
  • It's OK to tell you that they want to be your girlfriend...
  • It’s OK to do whatever it takes to convince you to be their boyfriend…

The boyfriend vibe is something few understand. Except those who I coach.

Even women who are used to being defensive, dismissive, and bitchy will amazingly become open and proactive about pursuing you.

Plus, I show you how to structure your online profiles so that you throw off this vibe.

With this vibe, you’ll be shocked how irresistible beautiful women find you.


Here’s the big thing that you’ll get from my program that you won’t get from anyone else:

I show you how to structure your relationships so that you can have as many as 7 girlfriends at one time.

Not exactly a harem, but you get the picture.

Now I don’t recommend 7, but the fact is, you could. (I mean if the Mormons can have 7+ wives, you having 7 girlfriends should be no big deal.)

Personally? I can comfortably handle three girlfriends at a time.

My point? Once you understand my contrarian girlfriendgetting strategy, you don’t have to stick like glue to just one girlfriend if you don’t want to. You can have as many girlfriends as you want.

Now as I said, I recently conducted a 3-day $4000 seminar where I shared this exact same information you’ll learn in “Perfect Girlfriend” - The Contrarian’s Guide to Getting, Having and Keeping a Girlfriend.

20 lucky men learned the secrets to navigating the dating world today. Each one was successful -- without using a single one of their pickup skills.

Amazing, yes?

Now for a limited time, this information is available to you.

If you haven’t been getting the results like you used to from game, my Perfect Girlfriend course will change all that.


To those that think they have to pay through the nose to keep a girlfriend happy.

There used to be a time when the man felt obligated to pay for everything. There used to be a time where women resented a man who didn’t pay for her share, be it a meal, movies or the rent.

But no more.

Girls know what the deal is. Sure, they appreciate it. But they don’t expect it.

Some good music, a couple of candles, a bed and some time with YOU is all they really want and need.

And I’ll show you how to make that happen.

Get this course NOW or be shut out forever

Think about it. When you hit on a girl, doesn’t it seem like she uses the excuse “I have a boyfriend” more often these days?

Now you understand the reason why.

Girls want boyfriends these days, that’s all there is to it.

However, THE LAST THING you want is to be like every other schmuck out there chasing them, like a dog chasing a fire truck.

There’s a better way.

A way that requires less work, less time and creates a far better emotional, physical and sexual relationship with her.

Once you go through the course, you discover you don’t have to be the one investing all the effort. You don’t have to be the one to pursue (unless you want to).

My “Perfect Girlfriend” course is designed for you have the exact type of girlfriend you want.

Go ahead and get yours now...

“While pickup is caught in the jaws of a crocodile death roll, you have created a true breakthrough for guys.

I salute you,

Brent Smith
Plus, You Get These

Amazing FREE Bonuses!

100% Money Back Guarantee

My promise: Land a hot girlfriend
or your money back

I’m going to make you an offer that’s pretty bold. Go ahead and let me give you my “Perfect Girlfriend” program plus all the bonuses. Try out any of the girlfriend-getting ideas... how to approach... what to say... how to qualify them… how to go for the close... the best place to take them... all of it.

They all work, so go for it.

With my methods in hand, go out and get yourself a girlfriend... a hot, affectionate, sexy, pretty girlfriend.

  • The kind of girlfriend that makes you proud to have her on your arm as you go out clubbing... shopping... whatever.
  • The kind of girlfriend that it’s easy to hang out with. No mind games.
  • The kind of girlfriend who is… sexy. If she knows you enjoy private lap dances, you’re going to love this...
  • The kind of girlfriend you could potentially LOVE. Yeah, we’re talking about wild sex of course, but more importantly, the “crazy love” romance that goes along with it.

You have my word.
I’ll refund every penny.

That’s how certain I am you will succeed.

However, I strongly doubt that will happen.

You see, tens of thousands of guys have already used my methods successfully. Guys even worse off than you, I’m sure.

Hey Brent, I’m not looking for sympathy. I used to live in my parent’s garage. Slept in a sleeping bag. Wore the same cargo shorts for a whole year. But you, I mean Aimee, changed all that. Who is Aimee? Aimee is my new girlfriend. I’ve been with her 4 months. But it’s all because of you and your ideas. I’m telling you. Having a girlfriend makes you a better man.

You’ll quickly discover...

  • Your social skills skyrocket like a SpaceX launch...
  • Women start to see you in a different light. (The great thing is you won’t have to impress with money, looks or fame)
  • Your confidence becomes your best asset. The overlap to other areas of your life, such as your job, becomes obvious.
  • You can, with a little bit of creativity, handle several girlfriends at once.

And to me? That’s EXACTLY where you want to be. Having the variety of multiple girlfriends.

Girlfriends who appreciate you for who you are.

Girlfriends that aren’t carrying all sorts of sexually-transmitted diseases you can’t even pronounce. Or emotional baggage.

And I’ll show you how to get those girlfriends. I’ll give you all the clues she’s attracted to you and exactly what to do with them.

But don’t expect the standard dating advice drivel. No. This is The Contrarian’s Guide. Not The Pussywhipped Boyfriend’s Guide.

These are my ideas, not regurgitated pablum that’s out in the wild.

All you have to do is read them and see. The ideas are simple, memorable and easy to try.

I love the reaction guys get when they try them for the first time.

Brent, you’re a genius. I love your “flip and stick” approach. Tried it for the first time yesterday. Was pleasantly shocked at her response. ‘Oooohoo, I like the way you think’ she cooed as I took her home.

You can expect affirmative responses like that, too. And if you don’t? Like I said, just go ahead and refund.

But I doubt it. Out of thousands of happy guys, I’ve only had a handful of legit refunds.

But no matter. What does matter is your results.

how many girlfriendS
Do you want?

I’ve heard some guys have as many a 10 committed relationships at one time.

Maybe 10 is too many, but you can at least have a couple, yes?

I’ll show you how to do it.

How to juggle, how to coordinate and maybe most importantly, how to do it without making a significant dent in your bank account.

Hi Brent, I have unusual story but it’s true. I got a girlfriend using the information in your program. So thanks for that. She’s a keeper. But a friend of hers also wanted to be my girlfriend. She’s cool but I wasn’t so sure. But I was upfront with her about my other relationship, and she said she was ok with it. In fact, she asked my other girlfriend first if it was ok. I truly never thought this was possible.


To those that think they have to pay through the nose to keep a girlfriend happy.

You have do a lot of exciting things, but here’s the one thing you can’t do with girlfriends:

Lie to them. Make them think you’re more important than you are.

Why? Because while with short term relationships you can get away with a little lying here and there… ...longer term girlfriends WILL find out. And they will be pissed.

Count on it and factor it into relationship.

But it goes deeper that that. Girls have a spidey sense about authenticity.

They’d rather you be less than perfect, than be a fraud.

So that’s actually good news. Perfect not required.

Again, I’ll show you how to present yourself and I’ll show you creative ways others have taken my ideas and applied them.

I think you’ll be amazed.

Amazed at the ease. Amazed at the results. Amazed at the feedback you’ll get. For instance...

Brent, I hit up a girl and she asked for my number. Now that’s no big deal I realize, except for the fact she already had a boyfriend. She said she wanted to ‘upgrade’. Everything was textbook out of your course. Thanks.

Getting the
Girlfriend of Your Dreams
Is Closer Than You Think...

I’ve had guys tell me they got my course and that very day, they went out and applied a couple of my GF-getting ideas and initiated a relationship with a quality girlfriend-material girl.

Others studied the course intensely over a few weeks and started enjoyed more consistent results.

Quantity, quality or a mix of both... it’s totally up to you.

But I will tell you this:

Most guys put up these self-imposed barriers to having a girlfriend.

My job? To smash those barriers to smithereens. They’re not necessary.

They only get in the way of your happiness and fulfillment as a man.

Hi Brent, once you showed me, I can’t believe how easy it was to get out of my own way and have a great girlfriend. It was unbelievably easy. Like all I had to do was just stand there like you said, and they approached. But I only selected one, the one I felt I meshed with the best.

For Guys
Who Are Definitively
NOT Into Pickup

One of the cool things I’m told is my Girlfriend course is PERFECT for guys *not* into pickup.

Yes, there are a group of guys who, for the life of them, can’t make pickup work.

Maybe they still think you’re tricking women, maybe they still struggle approaching, I don’t know.

But what I do know is if you’re just the type of guy that wants one devoted girlfriend and you don’t want to have to learn a bunch of seduction ju jitsu moves to do it, this is probably one of the simplest and best ways.

Brent, I’ll be honest. I hate pickup. Just the thought of being manipulative, sneaky or having to be the life of the party, makes me sick just to think about it. I’m an introvert and I can’t bring myself to be so out there. But your Girlfriend program is probably the most usable program I’ve ever discovered. Yes, I can also relay I do have a girlfriend (picture attached) and I owe to you. You reversed the curse for introverts like me. Thanks again.

You Don’t Have to Settle

Some guys, and I’ve coached a lot of them, suffer from a particular psychosis. I call it the “settling” syndrome.

In everyone’s brain, there are places for different emotions. Desire, fear, empathy, etc.

(You can actually see these on an MRI. It’s pretty amazing.)

Unfortunately, one area of these guys’ brains is working overdrive.

They have fallen into the habit of “settling”. They settle for what they can have versus what they really want.

Here’s the best part…

I’m here to tell you, not just that you *can* have a beautiful girlfriend, but that YOU WILL have a beautiful girlfriend.

I guarantee it.

But not only will you have a pretty girlfriend, you’ll also be CURED of settling in any and every area of your life.

That’s a pretty bold statement, and yes, I guarantee that, too.

That’s what having a girlfriend will do to you.

For a moment,
I want you to imagine what
life will be like with a beautiful,
sexy girlfriend
on your arm

  • After a full night of clubbing, you wake up next to a beautiful girl, who’s become not just an awkward one-night-stand but a girl you can see yourself spending quality time with, maybe even the rest of your life...
  • When you go out together, she makes you look good. Your confidence soars as a result. With her on your arm, she’s like your good luck charm...
  • When it comes to being pretty, she breaks the mold. She’s supermodel gorgeous and also has a great perspective on life that totally aligns with yours.
  • In addition, there are certain things she says… her little ways about her... that proves she complements you. And you complement her. It’s a great fit.
  • Gone are the days worrying about catching STDs from people you don’t know. When it comes to sex, she makes it easy and as frequent as you like.
  • There’s something about making love with a beautiful girl who knows exactly how you like it. Short term flings are nice, but long term satisfaction only comes from a girlfriend.
  • The great thing is let’s say you and your girlfriend fall out of love. Yeah, it happens.

Is that the end of the world? No, not at all. You have an ocean of women who would beg to be your girlfriend if they knew you. You have options. You are the one in control.


Let’s just face the facts.

Girls may not be looking to get married, but they ARE looking for a boyfriend.

It’s more exciting for them. It’s more fulfilling for them. And it’s safer for them.

And for you?

There’s nothing in the world like having a girlfriend. The feeling is indescribable.

Without my “PERFECT Girlfriend” program? You’re so screwed.

If we were at a bar and I was talking with you about getting a girlfriend, I’d be shaking you by the shoulders by now.

You’ve got to experience this. You’ve got to have the reference point in your memory. And in your soul.

Having a beautiful girlfriend will change you life.

Let my course be the catalyst, the wake-up call, the trail guide to achieving the moment when your life feels complete.

A steady girlfriend. Maybe two. Or three. It’s up to you.

You don’t have to stoop anymore to becoming a ladies man, a player or a pickup artist.

You don’t have to grovel at a woman’s feet and shower them with gifts and vacations either.

The good news is women don’t expect it anymore. Instead, a man just has to have that ONE QUALITY. What’s that quality?


(Whether you are or not in reality is beside the point.) Let’s me show you how to demonstrate it, how to amplify it and to actualize it--while still keeping the necessary challenge, mystery and adventure alive.

Let me show you how to approach--without one shred of game or one ounce of fear--NO MATTER how beautiful she is.

And let me show you how to close the deal, like it was the most natural thing in the world-- and without looking like a total douche.

She’ll adore you.
She’ll BEG to be your girlfriend!

I guarantee it. THAT’S how certain I am. No risk whatsoever.

It won’t be hard. In fact, it’ll be the easiest, most comfortable thing in the world once you appreciate my methods.

The fact that you're reading this page right now means deep inside you lives a man who ready not just for a little sex… not for a one-night stand or a short term fling… but the deep, satisfying connection only a hot, pretty, sexy girlfriend can give you.

Go ahead, right now and click the button below and let’s get started.

Don’t miss out. You’ll be kicking yourself in the ass if you don’t take action now.

You have to MOVE FAST. The 500 copies I set aside are almost GONE and then we’ll be charging full price for “PERFECT Girlfriend”.

I only have a few copies left, so go for it.

To your success,
Brent Smith
Brent Smith Lifestyle
Just click the button below and let’s get started. Time’s a wastin’!

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Wanna know
what happened to Rocket?

A couple nights later, I pulled Rocket aside, bought him a drink and gave him a heart-to-heart.

I also shared with him one idea from my girlfriend course. Just one.

Afterwards, he went dark for a couple weeks. Not one peep out of him.

I thought maybe I’d insulted him and he didn’t want to talk with me.

Then I see him at Tao in WeHo (West Hollywood). Shockingly, he had a girlfriend on his arm.

I ask him what happened.

Basically he said “After our talk, I did some soul searching for about a day, then I decided you were right. I tried out your idea. But I fvcked it up at first. I was still trying to game girls. It didn’t work. Then I stripped it down just to your one idea. And that worked.”

And then he said “Brent I want to introduce you to my girlfriend, Melanie.”

She was pretty hot, I must say.

Now normally, at this point I would be curious and ask the girl how they met.

But I knew.

And you will, too. Go ahead and click the button below and you’ll discover an entirely different approach.

One that will be filled with passion, sex and adventure. You have my word.
